Saturday, April 20, 2019

Bourbon and Bedtime

Joyce, being the amazing human she is, flew me to my brother's place in KY, DESPITE the weather being less-than-ideal (e.g., it was the most consistent bumpy flight ever for me), and DESPITE the fact that she was getting a nasty cold.

Did I mention I'm married to a saint?

We dropped of Cobbie (thanks, Noot and 2Chairs!), then high-tailed it to the land of bluegrass, where spring is blooming (and raining) everywhere.

The first day, we opted to head out to a Bourbon tour (side note--did you know that Bourbon is always supposed to be capitalized?  The more you know....).

One of our first stops on Friday was to get yummy Indian food, and then to the Liquor Barn to get some new Bourbons to taste.

Joyce was feeling too puny to go with us on Saturday, so she stayed home in bed. Larry, Rox, and I headed out to Willett Distillery and had a lovely tour. They are a small, family-owned distillery, and one of the unique things about this tour was that, right before the traditional Bourbon tasting, they made us all an old fashioned, with local syrup and bitters, and it was quite tasty (and quite alcoholic!). By the time we got the the actual Bourbon tasting, everyone was feeling grand....and all the Bourbons taste FABULOUS. I cam home with some of the Willett Pot Still Bourbon.

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